
Mobile Tire Fitting

Mobile tyre fitting is a convenient and flexible option for customers and above all it is safe. All of our mobile tyre fitters practice social distancing so you can rest assured that there will be no face to face contact required in order for us to carry out the job.

Please be assured that all of our mobile tyre fitters routinely wear protective barrier gloves, fit seat covers and use floor mats if they are required to drive the vehicle. Our staff will keep a safe 2m distance from you at all times.

We are also making sure that all staff understand the role each of us can play to help prevent the spread of germs, including thorough hand washing, avoiding contact with people who are ill and, of course, staying at home if they are not well.

We share everyone’s concerns in this unsettling period and will do everything we can to keep you and our staff safe while working on your vehicle.

Puncture Repairs

Our mobile tyre technician will bring a replacement tyre of your choosing to ensure that you can get straight back on the road in the event that your tyre cannot be repaired! Rest assured, we’ll only replace your tyre if absolutely necessary and we’ll be more than happy to show you why a safe repair cannot be carried out.

We use a plug patch repair system which provides a permanent repair – sealing both the route of the puncture through the tyre and the inner liner.

A puncture can only be repaired where the following criteria is met:

The puncture has occurred within the repairable zone as shown and described above
The puncture has a diameter or length of no more than 6mm
There is no secondary damage including (but not exclusive to): sidewall deterioration caused during under-inflated use, any splits or cuts to the inner liner caused by the puncturing object or bulging to either of the sidewalls.
There is not more than one puncture within each quadrant of the tyre. (W, Z and Y speed rated tyres can be repaired to a maximum of three times)
The entry angle of the puncturing object does not allow for safe and proper seating of the stem and patch
The tyre is of a suitable condition and age with appropriate tread depth.

Wheel Alignment & Tracking

Your vehicle is a collection of thousands of components – many of which over time, wear out due to the constant stresses and strains placed upon them. Many moving components are attached to the car body on rubber mountings. With use, these items wear and cause certain components to run slightly out of line from the vehicles factory settings.

When it’s the steering, suspension and wheels that move out of line, the resulting effect is often that of uneven and premature tyre wear.

Tyres aren’t cheap and no one really wants to suffer the costs of replacing them, so ensuring they last as long as safely as possible is a crucial part of your car maintenance.

On many cars, vans and 4×4’s, each wheel is adjustable in terms of ‘toe’ angle.

The easiest way to describe ‘toe’ is to imagine looking at your car from a birds eye view. If you drew a straight line down the centre of your car – front to back and each wheel and tyre followed that line exactly, the vehicle would have ‘neutral’ or ‘zero toe’. If the inner front edges of the wheels and tyres were facing inwards, the vehicle would have ‘toe in’ or ‘positive toe’.

Where the inner front edges of the wheels and tyres are facing away from each other, the vehicle would have ‘toe out’ or ‘negative toe’.

All vehicles are manufactured with a specific toe angle – be that neutral, toe-in or toe-out. Once that setting is lost due to worn components or having taken a knock here and there, irregular tyre wear will start to occur!

Wheel Balancing

When a tyre is fitted to a wheel, the completed & inflated assembly will require ‘balancing’. This ensures that any imbalances of mass (uneven distribution of weight around the circumference!) is checked and weights applied to even this out. Failure to balance will often result in a steering wheel vibration at speed and can, over a longer period of time, cause premature wearing of not only the tyre, but other components too!

Balance weights are now manufactured from Zinc rather than Lead and come in either a clip-on form which is attached to the balancing rim at the outer edge of the wheel – or via adhesive strips of weight.

Our mobile tyre service vehicles are all fitted with computerised electronic wheel balancers. Due to the sensitivity issues regarding proper wheel balancing, we do not use generators to power our equipment on board. The vibrations that power generators transmit throughout a vehicle will often have a detrimental effect on mobile wheel balancing. Our balancers are 12V converted to ensure no transmission of error is caused during the balancing of your wheels and tyres.

Locking Wheel Nut Removing

Relax!! All Mobile Tyre Fitting London service vehicles are equipped with specialist locking wheel nut removal tooling to safely remove security devices where the original removal device is no longer able to be used or has been lost.

Where the nut or bolt has NOT been overtightened when previously installed, our technicians use two different means of removal.

1. Invasive. Where a tool is used to quite literally break into the head of the item and force it off with torque application. This method may permanently damage the locking wheel nuts/bolts and replacements may be required.

2. Non-Invasive. Where a unique tool is used to mould to the shape of the installed device and replicate the missing/damaged item. This will not usually damage the locking device at all.

In both circumstances we cannot offer a 100% guarantee of successful removal and you will be required to complete a disclaimer form before we attempt removal.

Tyre Pressure Monitoring & Repair & Replacement

Why Is My Tyre Pressure Light On?

Problems with your Tyre Pressure Monitoring System? Got a warning light illuminated on the dash? Worried about expensive Dealer Repairs?

We’ve got you covered! Our technicians have replacement sensors and stems (the bit you see sticking out of the wheel) on board for replacement on site – wherever you are and at a fraction of the main dealer prices. Please call us today for more information and find out more below

A Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is an electronic tyre safety feature designed to monitor the air pressure inside pneumatic tyres on vehicles. From November 2012, all new passenger vehicles must be equipped with a TPM system as a standard feature.

Fleet Tyre Checks

Do you own or run a fleet of vehicles?
We can offer a free, no obligation regular tyre health check of your vehicles – directly at your business location!

Of course we would like to replace, repair and maintain your tyres too and we’re sure you’d soon notice the real benefits of the time and labour savings – not to mention the fuel benefits from correctly positioned and inflated tyres on your vehicle fleet

The hidden costs and subsequent savings from proper tyre care can be in the ££thousands for many businesses. Can you afford to lose that amount of money?

Just having a couple of tyres fitted can incur hidden additional costs of £93.00. Multiply that by the four separate visits each year and then further multiply it to mirror the other four vans in this company and the numbers really do get alarming. £1,488 in fact! A totally avoidable cost.

…and breathe! You’ve just found the perfect solution!
If you own or make key decisions within an SME and you have employees working out on site, we can bring the complete tyre fitting and repair service directly to your business location or in fact whichever location suits YOU – whether that’s on site at a customers home or any other business address.

Variety of tyres at busy warehouse


Our fitters will charge from £6 for mobile tyre fitting.

We do have fitters who will change run flat tyres. Call to be sure.

We have next day fitting options available. Your tyre fitter will contact you on the day of fitting using the customer details provided.
